Saturday, December 17, 2011

o christmas tree

It is quite obvious that now that finals are over, my days are basically for sitting on my floor in front of my heater while I edit pictures/paint or make charms/make jewelry/draw/write blog posts. So this is why I have been able to update my blog TWICE today!

We went and got our Christmas tree the other day. Let me tell you something: I LOVE getting the Christmas tree. Last year, my parents ordered it online and had it delivered to our doorstep, which BROKE. MY. HEART. This only thing that assuaged me was that my roommate and I also went out and got our own Christmas tree, which was beautiful and tall and full and decorated with a plethora of bird and mermaid ornaments and LIGHTS. Anyways, going to get the Christmas tree has always been one of my favorite things, ever since I was a small child.

When I was little, my parents had a lot more patience for choosing trees and would allow my brother and I to roam the tree lot while they searched for that PERFECT TREE. Maybe it was just because I was seven and had no concept of time, but sometimes it felt like they'd wander around for at least an hour trying to find a tree. Meanwhile, I darted in and out of the long rows of trees, hiding from my brother and parents. In my mind, I was THIS

Back in the day, I was always a wolf. Wolves were my favorite. I stole a wolf book from my elementary school in the sixth grade and kept it in my tote tray for the entire year because I'm a hoarder (not really). I still love wolves, but I am more likely to pretend to be an owl now and sit in places where I can possibly fall and injure myself.

So getting a Christmas tree is important to me. VERY. IMPORTANT.

A Charlie Brown Christmas tree

Gabe told me to take a picture of the creepy shack located behind the tree lot (which was a golf course)

"Why the fuck can't you smile normally?" I asked

Another important part of my Christmas tree traditions is to decorate the tree (of course). Usually it's done the night you bring it home from the lot, but my family was being lame and I had to write a paper, so we decorated it a couple of nights later.

Step one: turn on Christmas music

(dancing with a bird is optional, but it amplifies Christmas joy)

Step two: get out the ornaments

Missing an antler :(

Step three: commence lights and decoration

Step four: attempt creating bokeh pictures

Then we sat around our newly decorated tree and sang to our Christmas playlist and cuddled with dogs.

Operation obtain and decorate a Christmas tree: SUCCESSFUL

Last night I was supposed to go to my friends' combined birthday party, but I FREAKED out (I reacted in a way that normal people would probably be ashamed of) due to social anxiety and postfinals stress and ended up sobbing at home and watching Gladiator with the family. Then all of our downstairs' drains backed up and so our downstairs flooded at 1:30 in the morning, meaning that plumbers arrived promptly at 6 AM this morning. So it's both a bad thing and a good thing I did not go out last night, because arriving home at 3 or 4 AM and then being woken up by the plumbers two or three hours later would have been awful. In fact, a nap sounds really nice.

So the weekend leading into winter break has thus far been kind of a bust, but I did go to Bird World and play with some soft, adorable Rose Breasted Cockatoo babies with Natal and then we watched Home Alone 2, so that was really fun. Also tomorrow is Christmas shopping and Monday is the Mom and Dad party, plus everyone will be home from their respective collegios! I have three weeks to live it up, so I need to not worry about my party quota right now.

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