Today basically the only things I did were:
a) draw Nightmare Before Christmas characters
b) watch my brother play and finish Arkham City (the ending of which both made me horrendously sad and sort of disappointed me, though he hasn't finished with the Catwoman bit)
c) watch more Simpsons and Treehouse of Horrors
d) stew in my own bitterness and felt irritated when I saw people's pictures from Halloween all over Facebook
e) sort of watched Casablanca with my family and then wandered away to debate whether or not I should start homework tonight. It ultimately ended with a "hell no".
The original plan for tonight was to go to Rocky Horror Picture Show, which is put on live at a theater called The Tower every year around Halloween.
I could still possibly go tomorrow night (if I'm feeling even, but all sources point to no considering my huge paper due Tuesday plus the other homework I've failed to do over the weekend due to anticipation for Halloweeny activities and then depression. SOOO tomorrow is going to be a very homeworky day. Plus my annual Nightmare Before Christmas re-watch <3
My hair is turning into one giant dreadlock.
Also I think I'm going to fake celebrate Halloween FOR REALS this next weekend where I force people to pretend it's still Halloween and we'll party and I'll wear my costume and THEN it will be complete. And I can start looking forward to the other holidays.
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