First of all, a couple of weeks ago my mom told me she had a surprise for me. And that surprise was THE WENDOVER PARTY BUS.
Basically you're picked up in a parking lot in Murray and then driven the 2ish hours to Wendover. You get there around 8 PM and then the bus picks you back up at 2 AM. It's entirely convenient because you can get trashed and not have to worry about driving home. My mom, aunt, and I all boarded the party bus a couple of Saturdays ago and discovered the magic that was the Wendover party bus. We played Bingo aboard the bus and, at one point, I won and received Sour Dots and a coupon for %20 off my next party bus visit. When we got there we ate free food at the buffet, received free drinks with our coupons, played video poker and this amazing game I found called HOOT LOOT where I won $15 and then just played with that the rest of the night (I kept losing and winning and losing and winning but in the end I actually went home with money since my mom had given me all her quarters), we sat at the bar and listened to this awesome cover band that was playing soul music while we drank vodka lemonades, I got drunk off an AMF (Adios Motherfucker), danced with some amazing drunk 50 year old ladies who were all wearing Pink Floyd tour shirts, some creepy old guys wanted to dance with me, my mom told them to back off, we played BlackJack, and then it was time to go home. The drive back was actually pretty miserable, since I can't sleep on buses, but all in all it was a super fun time. Now to go with franz and go WILD.
Another thing that happened was Raphael's Birthday. Last year she had a rum and waffle party (which was so much fun) and this year she decided to class it up with a wine and cheese party. The football game was that day (we played Washington State), so first I went over to Blade's house to pre-game at about 2 PM. Three rum and cokes and a beer later I was in a very good place. Megan had bought this whipped cream that was alcoholic and orange flavored (I thought was cheese whiz), which she directly spouted into my mouth when I was least expecting it. IT WAS TERRIBLE. GOD IT WAS AWFUL. Tearfully, through a mouthful of it, I said, "It tastes like watery gatorade" and then washed it down with PBR. What can I say, I am a classy bitch. Oh my GOD it was terrible.
Kristy kept taking pictures of us all and Blade and Alec told her that she did took pictures at every home game, do we really need pictures of us all doing the same stupid things each game? Yes. Yes we do. Our friend who's a photo editor for the Chrony (school newspaper) told us that one of his fellow editors told him that he got a picture of some asshole flipping off the cheerleads. Turns out the picture is of our entire MUSS group and Blade is the asshole. It is the BEST picture. Basically every single guy in the picture (except for Blade) is staring at the cheerleader's vagina while Blade just flips her off, looking elated. Megan is standing with her hands on her hips, looking up at Blade while Kristy and I just look WASTED. They're going to get the picture blown up for $10 and then hang it on their wall, it's so good. We walked up to the tailgate two hours before the game started, where I played beer pong and won sunglasses and a shirt YES! DREAM REALIZED. Then we got food and made our way up to the real tailgates, where I found Lisa and Gabi and drank even more. The game itself was uneventful, as we lost HARDCORE. It was so painful. Final score was 31-14. WHYYYY UTAH? Hopefully this Saturday's game will be better. I left five minutes before the game ended because a) I was bored and wanted to get to Raphael's party and b) we were getting our asses handed to us on a platter. As I was leaving I realized that I didn't know how to exit the stadium. That's how drunk I was. Luckily, I passed by Grace and Karl (Grace screamed when she saw me and we both embraced and had an epic reunion, since we hadn't seen each other in weeks) as I was trying to get out and they helped me aka I only had to climb a few stair up to reach the exit.
Raphael only lives a block away from the stadium so I was the first to arrive at the party. Since I hadn't eaten dinner yet, I immediately dove into the cheese and bread and then started downing wine. OH P.S. earlier that day I went to buy wine for the party and it was my first time purchasing alcohol legally by myself. I totally looked like I was sketch though, since my hands were SHAKING as I handed her my license and then I almost knocked all of the wine off the counter when I tried to help scoot them over to the cash register. Anyways, the alcohol fairy paid Raphael a little visit before the football game. More people arrived and the party kicked off, though I am proud to say that this time I did NOT pass out and I didn't ride her chair like a horse. Like I did last time. In fact, people complimented me on how rational I was being. Even though every time I said that the glass of wine I was on would be my last, it would somehow get refilled. And then with champagne. And then with shots of vodka. Hm. We watched Jurassic Park, where I screamed because I was so excited to be watching Jurassic Park. We conversed. We probably did other stuff too, but mostly drank more and stole each other's chairs when someone got up. At about three I decided I was sober enough to drive home, so Patti and I took our leave and walked the four blocks over to where I'd parked my car earlier. I'm glad Patti walked with me, because I was pretty creeped out as I walked through a suburban street completely devoid of lights. There were a surprising amount of people out and about for three though. Patti and I stuffed her bike in the car and then I drove her to her apartment complex, where we spent ten minutes trying to pop her wheel back onto her bike. Fortunately, some guys came and helped us out and then went on their merry way to party some more. Hurray! Thus ends a great night.
The next day was Oktoberfest up at Snowbird. It's basically a pitiful representation of the real festival that serves beer and german food, has tram rides and an alpine slide, a mechanical bull, and several booths of commercially made items. I was really hungover from the day before, so when Natal and I went up there I really wasn't feeling up to drinking anything. The biggest reason I wanted to go was to see the fall colors up the canyons. It was GORGEOUS and well worth the drive, though Oktoberfest itself was a bust. I took pictures while we were up there, but many are blurry (since I took them out the car window) and they're all on my camera anyways. It was beautiful up there, I want to go again soon (just to see the colors and maybe to look at stars, though it's getting colder).
The other big news in my life is that I've joined a book club! Megan and Kristy created it and so far we're read The Help for September. Our meeting was super successful, we drank wine and discussed the book and then verged into other topics such as women in society, rape culture, etc. It was intense. I'm hosting October book club and am having a Halloween themed party at the end of the month. We're reading 'Salem's Lot, which I just barely started and so far I really like it! It's hard to try and read when I have stuff like Hocus Pocus waiting for me to watch it though. Tonight was heavenly because, while it rained/snowed outside, I sat inside and watched Halloween movies (aka Hocus Pocus) in front of my heater while drinking hot chocolate spiked with Bailey's. It was AMAZING.
Tomorrow our lab is taking its lab picture (aka family portrait) and it's going to be western themed. Thus, I am going as a cattle rustler. Earlier today there was an email concerning the lab picture and it was basically the best thing I've ever read. This was the gist of it:
B: We're taking the lab photo tomorrow. Bring a western costume or I'll be forced to photoshop one onto you.
D: Oh good, let's see S photoshopped into a saloon maid outfit!
K: That doesn't require photoshopping...
S: I hate all of you. Love, S.
S: And by all of you, I mean D and K.
D: Dear all, in addition to lab meeting tomorrow we will be holding a seminar on how to write a complete sentence, as even our second year grad students do not have a handle on it.
I died.
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