I liked Scream, it's the perfect serial killer movie. That sounds weird, but I loved that it was a parody of OTHER serial killer movies in that Ghostface calls the characters he's about to kill and tells them to not act like stupid bitches. And then they act like stupid bitches. Also when he quizzes Drew Barrymore about horror movies and she gets the Friday the 13th question wrong I was freaking out, SCREAMING at the TV screen, "IT'S HIS MOM, NOT JASON! IEGWEIOWVEPI!" Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School is a movie from my childhood, which is the only reason I watch it. That and it's hilarious. I have supreme nostalgia remembering our trips to the movie sections that used to inhabit Smiths and Albertsons with their plastic-cased VHS tapes and supplies of Fun Dip. One fateful Friday I chose Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School as my movie to watch that night. Last year I saw it on Netflix and decided to put it in my queue for Halloween, which is when I realized that it was terrible. But in an amazing way. There are SEVERAL puns in there, including many from the vampire character who says "fangtastic" or "you bat!" (you bet) at every possible opportunity. Basically, everyone should watch it.
I went to bed early and then woke up feeling slightly better, though still sort of iffy. Today would have been a busy/fun day, if it weren't for my flu :( Plans devolved from going to the Utah vs. Oregon State blackout football game to just going to the tailgate to visit Lisa, drink, and eat free Red Robin, to sitting in my jim jams watching my brother play Arkham City all day. As the sun set, I realized that I was beginning to feel worse again and couldn't even stand upright due to lightheadedness. So I could not attend the awesome parties I was invited to :( I was so upset. I took a shower and wore my costume around the house for two hours anyways, just because when else am I going to wear it? Plus my parents felt so bad that I was basically just drooped over the couch all done up in my toucan costume that they bought me Hire's (delicious local burger place) for dinner.
Some good things that happened...I guess:
I painted my nails in preparation for tonight. So at least they look nice, even though now I am just sitting on my couch watching Treehouse of Horror.
I drew my renditions of the girls from Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School and then was too lazy to scan them in, so here are backwards, weird photobooth pictures of me holding them up. Photobooth was used actively this day.
We won against Oregon State! Even though I didn't end up going, this was definitely good news.
Finally at about seven I decided, OKAY TIME TO GO! So I got up and took a shower and then actually put on my costume, which is when I started feeling dizzy. And decided I might not be in any shape to drive or drink or be around people at all. I even started trying to put makeup on and then ultimately gave up. This was when I wore my costume around for two hours and then changed back into pajamas and started watching Treehouse of Horror in front of my heater.
I'm trying to be positive, even if it doesn't seem like it since I've been bitching and moaning to anyone who will listen and have been silently weeping in my little corner of sadness.
Okay, maybe I haven't been positive at all. But at least I got to do a lot of Halloweeny activities before this flu truly struck and there are a lot of Halloweeny movies/shows to watch and books to read around this house, so not all is lost.
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