I am so in love with Halloween, even though I had the flu the entire time and was denied my parties and Rocky Horror Picture Show.
But you know what? Today was still a really, really GREAT Halloween. Here are some reasons why.
1) It was a beautiful, sunny day that made the fiery colors of the trees stand out gloriously against the sky. I didn't go outside all day, but you know. Still pretty.
2) We actually got trick or treaters at our house! Usually they don't venture up here because we don't have a sidewalk on our side of the street, it's up a really steep hill, and there are no streetlights in our front yard. Nope, this year we got some brave children (all boys). I got to answer the door in my toucan costume (well, half of it) and give them skittles and then wish them a Happy Halloween. That lifted my heart a lot.
When this little girl's mom asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween, she said "Batman Princess". WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??? God she's so fucking cool.
4) Speaking of Batman, I found out that Anne Hathaway (who plays Catwoman in the next Batman film) is not forsaking the cat ears of her Catwoman ancestors. When her goggles are up on her head they make cat ears. OH THANK GOD (because for awhile there were only pictures of her with the goggles on and it was really freaking people out because it looked like she wasn't going to have cat ears, which is bullshit).
5) Lisa said we could have a Guy Fawkes party this weekend where we eat cucumber sandwiches and drink tea and she said I could wear my toucan costume since I didn't get to wear it out at all. Also Alice and Mia said they'd wear their costumes with me when they come home for Christmas Break. AW YEAH, CAN SOMEONE SAY NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS PARTY??? (see next item)
6) I got to watch one of my favorite movies of all time, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Watching that movie was seriously the thing that made it all better, the thing that made all bitterness, disappointment, and resentment for this flu melt away and all that was left was bubbly, little girl excitement and happiness. I curled up on the couch with my cookie dough, Jack and Zero, and blanket and started screaming with happiness the second the narrator started to talk. SUCH LOVE. SUCH LOVE I HAVE FOR THAT FUCKING MOVIE AND FRANCHISE.
It has always been, and always will be, my favorite "romantic" movie (and favorite in general) and the scene at the end makes me cry. Every. Time. If someone ever sang that to me, I would die.
p.s. I just saw that there was a soundtrack of covers released in 2008 (which I apparently missed, what the hell was I doing LIVING LIFE OR SOMETHING?) called Nightmare Revisited and I NEED IT YOU GUYS. I NEED IT. I have the other soundtrack with the actual songs and demos and a few covers, and I don't care that Korn redoes Kidnap the Sandy Claws, I just NEED IT.
7) I just saw this on tumblr
So basically Nightmare Before Christmas rocked my world and made everything awesome again and I'm going to listen to the soundtrack before I go to bed and have love-filled dreams of Oogie Boogies and Zeros and Locks, Shocks, and Barrels.
Just one more image that I thought was super cute
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