(It says "Vacancy" on the tombstone, in case you can't see it or are illiterate. It seems blurry because it IS blurry because I would rather zoom and take pictures from afar than have someone see me in their front yard taking pictures. Because that seems creepier somehow)
(Winston is obsessed with walking in the street)
Here are the pictures from our walk yesterday. Today was overcast, chilly, and rainy, which I love and equals super Halloweeny to me, but I also loved the bright colors and crisp air.
Today was spent running around frantically trying to get things done early (like homework), I went to Pibbs (the local clothing exchange store that has a huge Halloween selection) to see if maybe there were some components to another costume I've sort of been working on (I bought a wig yesterday, though I found nothing to contribute to it today so I've resigned to be only a toucan this Halloween), and then making pumpkin pie tarts, mummy dogs, and decorating the cake pops we made yesterday as eyeballs, ghosts, and vampires.
By the end of it I needed a drink (with my glow cube, of course). I understand why everyone is so stressed all the time during Thanksgiving and Christmas now. Cooking and baking on a schedule is hard.
But fun.
(please ignore my weird face in all pictures with my weird face in them. I did not put much effort into my appearance today)
p.s. Here is a Halloweeny playlist I just made of my favorite Halloween songs. The one on my Ipod is over 100 songs (aka 110 songs), but this one should still spread joy on the Internet. If you're into that kind of thing.
I noticed that Sweeney Todd is the movie version. SHAME ON YOU, AUTUH! O_____O
Oh nooo it did not occur to me that there were other versions because the one I have on my playlist just happens to be from the movie! I did find others though that were SUPREMELY better. Was Mrs. Potts Mrs. Lovett at one point???