Book club last night was nuts.
The major things that happened to me yesterday (day three):
(first of all, I thought my hair looked real nice)
But then...
-face-planted on some concrete stairs outside the Union. I missed a step walking up and fell, the force of which caused my backpack to launch up and over my head, negating any sort of graceful recovery, and then one of the straps somehow got all the way around my torso, so I had to struggle with that for a bit. Two cute guys were standing there, of course. One of them asked if I was okay, to which I responded, "I'm fine!" incredibly cheerily because that's how I act when I'm embarrassed. After they left though I cried a tiny bit. But then I got over it pretty quickly.
-Got home from school and cooked like a MADWOMAN. I threw the pumpkin tarts into the stove, started making mini-pizzas (pizza dough is my least favorite medium in the world, I've decided, because every time I tried to roll out a semi-circular piece, it would zip back into its weird blob shape. I made up for it by saying the pizzas were mutant). We miraculously managed to finish everything fifteen minutes before people were set to start showing up, which is when I threw spider webbing around the living room, taped caution tape to the front door, lit the jack-o-lanterns, and set out my little Jack and Zero for decor. Then I made signs for the food, put on my toucan costume, and waited. I made a costume pile by the front door of all the components of our family's costumes over the years so that people who didn't dress up (or chose not to) could wear something. Actually, I forced people who didn't dress up to put on at least some semblance of a costume. Most people opted for hats. Unfortunately, I was the only person there who had actually read the entire book, so discussion was sort of more about general Halloween vs. 'Salem's Lot. Some of the questions I came up with were super biology nerd questions, like I wanted to compare King's version of "turning" someone to other authors who made the turning process less scientific/realistic, such as Anne Rice and Stephenie Meyer. No one really got too into it though, so I am still waiting to have such a discussion. Basically a LOT of wine was drunk (is that the correct word? Drank? Drinken?), everyone complimented me on the food and Megan (who has next month) said she really needed to step it up, which I was so happy that everyone liked the food since I had been slaving over it and had a lot of doubts, and we all visited and laughed. That's the most important part of book club, I think. At one point we went around the circle and asked what our favorite Halloween tradition was, and even though I love them ALL I said watching Nightmare Before Christmas annually. So Megan invited me over Tuesday to drink pumpkin beer and watch Nightmare Before Christmas (we were originally going to do Monday, actual Halloween style, but that didn't work out). By the time the party was over I was VERY DRUNK. We took some pictures together and everyone left, leaving me wasted and still needing to do homework. Which I didn't end up doing. INSTEAD I had another glass of wine, was very drunk all over the internet, and then passed out.
The major things that happened to me today (day four):
-Woke up hungover and feeling sick. Discovered that the dogs had gotten into the trash can and Winston smeared the food dye gels we'd used for the cake pops all over his face and got it on the carpet. Oy. I had to clean that up, as well as a red wine spill (which was on the hardwood floor, YES) before realizing I couldn't find my keys. I already was moving pretty slow since I was in a very bad place this morning (hands were tingly and swollen, which I think was partially carpal tunnel, and stomach was sad), so I was already late for school. That's when I saw my keys hanging from the key rack, which is FAR TOO PRACTICAL a place to put them. I was looking under couches and examining my dogs' mouths and stuff.
-There was seriously NO WHERE to eat in the Union during lunch, so I ended up in the peaceful underbelly where the computer labs are and a few tables are set up. I caved in and asked someone if I could join them at their table, since it was so busy. While eating lunch, I found out that they are REMAKING THE LORAX and it looks terrible. ABSOLUTELY GOD AWFUL. There are several reasons I'm angry, and not just dumb ones like "it doesn't follow the book". No, there is reason to my insane rage. I will have to write about that at a later time though. I just wanted to make it known that this was a major component of my day.
-Skinned a cat in comparative vertebrate morphology lab and named it Spooks in honor of Halloweek. Pretty spooky, if you ask me. Cats have this maddening muscle directly under their skin that is responsible for moving their pelt, however, and it is really annoying because it's hard to get the skin off without also removing the muscle. It was an experience for sure.
-Went to a PUMPKIN CARVING PARTAY at Claire's! Seriously, this party was bomb. She told the peeps she'd invited that it was BYOP, but I am a courteous hostess (slash way too fucking nice) and told the peeps I invited that I'd get them pumpkins. So after lab I picked her up, we got us some Veeds (Costa Vida), and then we picked out pumpkins. The supply of pumpkins at the Dans we went to was running kind of...low, and they were in this weird hay bale square pen thing, so I ended up leaping into it and scrabbling over pumpkins to try and reach the ones we deemed "the best". Finally we got our pumpkins, pumpkin carving tools, tea lights, and a tablecloth (to lay on the floor beneath us) and we arrived at the house just in time for people to start showing up. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! A bunch of people showed up and at first we sat in a circle and chatted for forty five minutes until I finally decided I was going to start carving. Our pumpkins (or pimpkins, as I like to call them occasionally) were epic. They were seriously SO AWESOME. Raphael carved the light-saber battle between Luke and Vader and then put in her glow cube (from Disneyland) on the green setting and her rape whistle on a flashing red setting (I guess it's like a flare, and can attract attention in an emergency...?). IT LOOKED SO COOL! I'll post pictures tomorrow. Mark carved Darth Vader in his pumpkin (which I sketched out for him based on another pumpkin someone else had done), Kit carved some weird impressionist pumpkin that was supposed to be ski slopes but then the "jiggly bits" fell off and so he carved in Occupy BUC (BUC is a building on campus), Maddy carved a creepy face, and I carved a UNICORN BREATHING FIRE. After carving we talked some more, took videos and pictures of all our pumpkins, and I broke out the leftover desserts from book club. Everyone LOVED them. I was so pleased that they all got eaten! Hurray, people liked my food! We discussed maybe watching a movie, but that never really came to fruition so we kept on talking, eating snacks, and taking pictures of each other. Mark started baking pumpkin seeds, which filled the house with the delicious smell of butter and garlic salt (the two best things in life, really). We put the pumpkins out on the roof and lit them all and then went downstairs to admire them from the sidewalk. At one point a couple walked past while we were all just standing there and the guy was like, "Wow" and Mark pumped his arms into the air, completely overjoyed that the guy had basically complimented our pumpkins. I was going to go to a special event a friend of a friend had created where he rented out Brewvies and set up a triple feature that would play Beetlejuice, the Sleepy Hollow cartoon, and Army of Darkness, but I ended up staying at the pumpkin party since I was having fun.
Now I'm eating macaroni and cheese and am about to pass out. I'll actually have time to do chores, maybe some homework (HA), and relax a little before Saturday of AMAZING HALLOWEEN PARTIES and a football game. I'll post pictures from book club and pimpkin party tomorrow.
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