Cake pops! It was my first time making them. I sort of failed at making them round in any capacity, but since it was my first time I now know how to make them better. First of all, make them rounder somehow.
Second, don't chill them on their little heads with the sticks already stuck in them.
Third, stick the sticks in them AFTER they are chilled with some CANDY MELT on the end to glue it on better, and be prepared immediately with MORE THAN ONE BAG of candy melts. I only had one and it definitely wasn't enough. My bad, my bad. We tried to make frosting instead...
...It didn't really work. I wanted to throw up a little looking at them drip. BLECH. This also brings me to the fourth thing I learned, HAVE STYROFOAM READY! We used a shoebox, which was sort of working but not really. Styrofoam would work way better.
Then came the decorating. We used these gross gel food dyes that (prepare yourself, it's really gross) looked like period blood. EW.
I stuck with cutesy foods for the most part, since (as I stated in a previous blog post) I cannot eat any sort of food even resembling gross Halloweeny things. The only thing I made sort of gross were the bloody eyeballs, and they were only accidentally super gross looking because of the dyes I used. Fortunately, they still tasted great. They stained everyone's teeth though. Bonus.
Reject pile of ones that didn't get glued well enough to their sticks and the ones with no candy melts, just frosting.
Pumpkin tarts. They turned out really delicious, I think I'll make these again for Thanksgiving. In fact, the next planned party will be a gathering to celebrate food and Guy Fawkes Night. So maybe I'll make them for that.
Mummy dogs
The cool fake labels we got for our wine
The pumpkins we carved a couple of nights ago
The layout of food and drink. Overall, I felt like I did good as a hostess. Not to pat myself on the back or anything, but damn I'm good.
Onto the pumpkin carving partay.
First of all, Patti is going as the Tardis, and SHE MADE THIS DRESS! From scratch! I was so impressed that I demanded she let me take a picture.
Raphael carved the light saber battle between Darth Vader and Luke and then put alternating green and red lights inside to emulate the battle. It turned out really cool, though it took me FOREVER to get a picture of the green. I have 9000 pictures of it on red, only two on green.
I carved a fire-breathing unicorn. No big deal.
Then we lit ALL the tea candles for some reason.
What a special toucan
VADER PUMPKIN! I helped Mark sketch this onto his pumpkin and then he carved it magnificently. I think it may have been my favorite.
At one point Raphael brought me this bag of pumpkin guts and just said, "Here, FEEL!" and dropped it onto my lap.
Flash not turned on, awww
Bloody teeth from the cake pops!
God awful pictures taken from the sidewalk of our pumpkins on the roof. But they looked nice in real life.
Today is a day for doing nothing. Well, that's a lie because I have to clean the house, dogs, and birds, but after that...nothing.
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