Thursday, February 2, 2012

days one and two

AH I can't believe I'm already behind this challenge on the first day! No worries, I actually took the photos on their appropriate days, I just haven't had time to upload them.

day 1

A view of your day

"It was very grey today"

I was originally going to take a picture of the bird rooms, but then we got too busy. Story of my life.

day 2


"What does GAR mean, I wonder"

Another unintentional picture. I guess that's how things work.

Now time to practice my talk on a paper about blue-footed boobies and siblicide and make my dad a birthday card


  1. your view was very pretty!! lucky you.

    1. Thank you! It is definitely a great view walking down the hill overlooking downtown :) Your view was very good too, I'm jealous of the sun you had
