Monday, July 23, 2012


I went to the zoo AGAIN and took a ton of photos. AGAIN. This time the seals and polar bear were out and about, swimming in the water. The polar bear kept doing backflips in the water, she was so cute!!! Anyways, here are my favorite photos.

The otters were eating!

Otters are my favorite, clearly


We thought this was so funny, for some reason

I didn't get a great photo of the Lilac-Breasted Roller, one of my favorite birds, because of the lighting. I hope to go again to get more awesome shots of birds ;)

I hope you enjoyed this picture splurge. I have so many pictures from this summer I still need to edit and that I want to post, ESPECIALLY of my woodland adventures!


  1. What zoo is this? I love these pictures, especially the ones of the otters<3

    1. Thank you so much!! These were taken at the Hogle Zoo in SLC, UT. It's so exciting to be able to have all of these aquatic mammals here in our desert state, ESPECIALLY the otters!
