Sunday, January 18, 2015

365: week 2

8 : 365
I got in a pretty nasty car accident on my way to work this morning, so I decided to take the day off (since I was an emotional wreck) and walked to get some lunch around midday. On the way home, I saw this mockingbird eating his own lunch of berries. It made me smile for the first time all day.

9 : 365
My roommate painting with oils.

10 : 365
Mr. Wendell, our Southern Tamandua. He's very sleepy all the time and had a lot of leafy enrichment to snuggle up with.

11 : 365
Brutus, the Eurasian Eagle Owls. I am OBSESSED with owls, as you may know from reading this blog, and I was super excited when I learned that my facility had an Eagle Owl. I begged to work with him and was finally put on his training team six months in. I adore his eyes; he's so photogenic.

12 : 365
I was feeling pretty depressed due to my car troubles, so my roomie and I went on a roomie date. We went to one of our favorite dinner places to get giant alcoholic sweet teas and fried cheese curds.

13 : 365
I took my roommate's dog, Earth, for a walk, who infuriatingly would NOT look at the camera the entire time. Even when I set her up for it and told her to sit and look at the camera, she pointedly refused to. At the end of the walk, I finally got a photo of her head on, but with her eyes closed. EARTH! It makes her look kinda cute, though...

14 : 365
Take-out for dinner on a lazy "Sunday" and a fortune that reminds me that I can handle whatever life throws at me

January is a little harder than I anticipated, but I did have a pretty good day today. I got out of work at 4 PM due to early shift, went for a run, then went to dinner with Andie for delicious pizza. Now time to do more car research, ugh…


  1. I love the photo of Brutus! You have the most awesome job ever!!!

    1. Ahh thank you so much!! He is so beautiful, I just adore working with him!
