Thursday, January 1, 2015

a new year

It's a new year! Welcome 2015!

This past year has been a rollercoaster, as filled with delicious highs and hideous lows as this blog is filled with empty space. I have written the least amount of blog posts this year than since I started in 2011. This has been due to mostly positive things: living my own life and writing about it in my personal journal rather than blogging about it, however the downside was that I was not taking very many photos. I love photography and used to use my camera religiously, but once I moved to Texas I could count the number of times I used my DSLR on one hand in the ten months since I've lived there.

I was able to spend a marvelous ten days in Madrid, Spain with my families for the holidays and with it came some revelations. I was able to experience the ups and downs of traveling overseas by one's self and, although sometimes pretty terrible, I learned a lot.

I am definitely a maker of New Years Resolutions and this year is no different. I will be making a whole list soon but for now the biggest thing that will be at the top is "LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF".

Also my parents showed me this hilarious music video and I love the song. I think this will be one of my 2015 mantras.

(disclaimer: I'm not suffering from anything dangerous, just feeling very down on myself a lot of the time and am realizing that I have truly never learned to love myself. So I want to get better at practicing self love, at upping my confidence, at my job, at my hobbies, and punching life in the face and kicking ass. This is why this song will be my mantra)

Happy New Year's Day, and hello 2015.

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